ITA. Questo giovane artista keniota ritrae nei suoi dipinti la vita quotidiana che lo circonda scegliendo come vettore espressivo un forte spirito umoristico. Come un “flâneur”, ovvero colui che osserva mentre le sue opere lo spingono ad esplorare, Kabiru raccoglie piccoli oggetti di scarto per realizzare le sue sculture. Il suo lavoro è un mondo di evasione onirica dove dagli “avanzi” si arriva al “sogno” e dove l’artista veste dei filtri alla condizione di Nairobi che lo circonda. La voglia di percepire la realtà con occhi diversi è ancor più espressa nei lavori di “wearable art” in cui l’artista realizza occhiali che selezionano il campo visivo. Trasparenze e pieni sono meravigliosamente alternati con lo scopo di trasformare la prospettiva del fruitore non solo in apparenza, ma anche nella sua forma mentis. Incastrati in un periodo difficile vorreste avere delle "lenti nuove"? Cosa ne pensate?
ING. This young kenyan artist portrays in his paintings the daily life around him choosing a strong sense of humor as a vector of expression . As a "flâneur", that is the one who watches while his work led him explore, Kabiru collects small discarded objects to create his sculptures. His work is a world of dreaming escape from the "leftovers" to get the "dream" and where the artist wears filters to theNairobi's condition that surrounds him. The desire to perceive reality with different eyes is even more expressed in the work of "wearable art" in which the artist creates glasses that select the visual field. Transparency and fullness are beautifully alternated with the aim of transforming the perspective of the user not only in appearance but also in its mindset. Stuck in a difficult period you would have "new lens"? What do you think?
ING. This young kenyan artist portrays in his paintings the daily life around him choosing a strong sense of humor as a vector of expression . As a "flâneur", that is the one who watches while his work led him explore, Kabiru collects small discarded objects to create his sculptures. His work is a world of dreaming escape from the "leftovers" to get the "dream" and where the artist wears filters to the
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