ITA. Sean Lennon and Charlotte Kemp Muhl. Lui, figlio di John Lennon. Lei, modella.
Fanno colazione in un caffè, disegnano il loro diario personale, tornano a casa a coccolarsi, scrivono canzoni in un ripostiglio, vagabondano per casa nudi e giocano tutta notte ai videogames… Sono viziati, eccentrici, chic-bohemien, vivono nella scia di John e Yoko, ma si infastidiscono davanti al paragone.
Sean and Charlotte hanno fondatola Chimera Records e portano avanti i loro progetti circondandosi di amici musicisti, pittori, artisti… quasi tutte donne!!! In promozione il loro album "Acoustic Sessions"!!!
Sean and Charlotte hanno fondato
ENG. Sean Lennon and Charlotte Kemp Muhl. He, son of John Lennon. She, a model.
They eat breakfast at a cafe, draw their personal diary, come home to cuddle, write songs in a storage room, wander around the house naked and they play videogames all night ... They’re spoiled, eccentric, bohemian-chic, living in the wake of John and Yoko, but are disturbed before the comparison.
They eat breakfast at a cafe, draw their personal diary, come home to cuddle, write songs in a storage room, wander around the house naked and they play videogames all night ... They’re spoiled, eccentric, bohemian-chic, living in the wake of John and Yoko, but are disturbed before the comparison.
Sean and Charlotte founded the Chimera Records and carry out their projects surrounding themself with fellow musicians, painters, artists ... almost all women!!! In promoting their album "Acoustic Sessions"!!!
Photos by Alex Freund and Jonathan Pozniak
by AM
Bello il pulmino rosa W. Loro s'infastidiscono se li confronti con ... ma la cosa è inevitabile e scontataaaa. Cla